*****CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc***** Keeps On Ticking...

__ * $7 Secrets *__

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc. - Possible CMKX / FFGO Connection Uncovered...??

Same Pink Sheet PR Strategy...??

(Editor's Note - Please accept my apology in advance for this ridiculously long post, but FFGO has issued a large number of PR's which change, delay, or reschedule the Extraordinary Dividend, which was originally announced on July 24, 2008.)

Extraordinary Dividend
Thursday July 24, 2008 10:58 am ET
Company to Distribute US$400 Million in Gold Assets to Its Stockholders as an Extraordinary Dividend
Alan Santini, the CEO of Fortress Financial Group, Inc., commented, that he hoped that "This Extraordinary Dividend will go a long way to rewarding long standing stockholders who have watched their stock decrease in value over time."

Clarification on Extraordinary Dividend
Thursday July 24, 2008 11:57 am ET
Company Clarifies Its "Record Date" in Respect of the Extraordinary Dividend
The "Record Date" for this Extraordinary Dividend cannot be before late August in 2008 and will therefore apply to stockholders on or around that date. Stockholders will be advised well in advance as to the "Record Date" and the "Pay Date." It will take at least three weeks to co-ordinate and prepare for this Extraordinary Dividend in order to ensure that all stockholders on the "Record Date" receive the Dividend.

Further Clarification
Friday July 25, 2008 10:38 am ET
Company Clarifies a Number of Issues Raised by Its Stockholders
The process of naming the "Record Date" is likely to take as long as
three weeks, given the number of parties involved in the co-ordination
of the distribution and payment of this Extraordinary Dividend.

Extraordinary Dividend Update
Tuesday July 29, 2008 8:30 am ET
Company Confirms Negotiations With Goldco to Issue "Free Trading Stock"
Goldco, as a "Reporting Company" with SEC, is required to file a Registration Statement in respect of these shares being issued to the Company.
However, Goldco is exploring avenues with your Company to ensure that stockholders do not receive Goldco shares that are untradeable and restricted for any substantial period of time.

Potential Change of Control
Thursday July 31, 2008 11:31 am ET
Company Confirms It Has Been Advised That a Private Equity Group Intends to Acquire 51% of the Company's Outstanding Stock
The CEO and controlling stockholder of the Private Equity Group has confirmed that Alan Santini will remain as CEO of Fortress Financial Group, Inc. and that the Extraordinary Stock Dividend will proceed as announced.

Additional Clarification
Friday August 1, 2008 10:03 am ET
Company Clarifies a Number of Issues Raised by Its Stockholders
Absolutely yes. They invested primarily as they saw our Company as a
"value play." They are 100% behind the payment of this Dividend. It is of huge benefit and profit to themselves.

Brief Update
Friday August 8, 1:55 pm ET
Company Provides a Brief Update to Its Stockholders
2. The Extraordinary Dividend remains unchanged and we are working on the "Record Date" with all parties.

Statement by CEO
Monday August 11, 10:20 am ET
Company CEO Makes a Formal Statement to His Stockholders
It would appear that the primary concerns of our stockholders are:
1) When will the Company declare the "Record Date" of the Extraordinary Dividend?
The "Record Date" for the Extraordinary Dividend will be announced in late August of 2008 as promised.

Monday August 18, 1:59 pm ET
Company Issues Statement on Its Future Direction and Disposal of Its Assets
The Company confirms that a number of substantial and extraordinary changes within the Company are be enacted and with immediate effect.
-- Company to distribute all of its Gold assets (through the Goldco
shares) to its stockholders in the form on an Enlarged Extraordinary

-- Company attempting to pay a further Dividend to its stockholders in
11. The Company will now focus on setting a "Record Date" and "Pay Date" for this enlarged Extraordinary Dividend. Stockholders will be advised as to these dates ahead of time; in order to be eligible for the receipt this enlarged Extraordinary Dividend; and all other Stock Dividends.

Schedule of Stock Dividends
Thursday August 21, 1:01 pm ET
Company Clarifies the Stock Dividend Distribution
Company to distribute all of its Gold assets (through the Goldco shares) to its stockholders in the form of an Enlarged Extraordinary Dividend.
The "Record Date" and the "Pay Date" will be announced at such time as the Company is in possession of its shares of Goldco.
Goldco has indicated completion on August 29, 2008.
The Company will not delay in setting this "Record Date"; of that, stockholders may rest assured.
Alan Santini added "that he was not in the business of giving a free ride to those who wish to purchase stock solely for these Dividends, as his loyalties lay with his long term stockholders and warned that very little notice will be given in respect of the 'Record Dates' of these stock dividends.

30% Increase in Dividend Value
Monday August 25, 9:53 am ET
Company Confirms Sale of Gold Assets for Substantially Higher Price and a 30% Increase in Value of Extraordinary Dividend
This will not delay the payments of the Extraordinary Dividend; which has now been increased by 30% in value. The Company expects to be in a position to confirm the "Record Date" of this Extraordinary Dividend, within days.

Valuation of Extraordinary Dividend
Monday August 25, 1:40 pm ET
Company Confirms the Valuation of the Extraordinary Stock Dividend
The Company is working with professional advisors whom will be coordinating the payment of these this Extraordinary Dividend. The Company in conjunction with its Advisors, will be announcing both the "Record Date" and the "Payment Date" of this Extraordinary Dividend, very shortly.
Hurasu Resource Corporation is purchasing all of the remaining stock in both the "Bouse" and "South Copperstone" companies.
This will be an unrelated transaction to the Extraordinary Dividend and will not serve to delay the payment of this Extraordinary Dividend in any way whatsoever.

Record Date of Extraordinary Dividend
Wednesday August 27, 3:26 pm ET
Company Confirms That the "Record Date" of the Extraordinary Dividend Is Being Expedited
Fortress Financial Group, Inc. confirms that it is in a position to proceed with the setting of the "Record Date" of the Extraordinary Dividend.
The Company will not be waiting for Hurasu to complete their own reorganization, prior to our setting the distribution dates and it has now been agreed with the Management of Hurasu that this Company can now proceed with the setting of the "Record Date" without any delay.The Company will (a) announce the "Record Date" and the "Pay Date" and (b) file a Form 8-K to this effect; within minutes of the "Record Date" and the "Pay Date" being confirmed and published by the NASD.
There will no longer be any delay whatsoever in the setting of these dates as the Company is now extremely anxious to distribute these shares of Hurasu Common Stock and to remove all of the prevailing uncertainty that currently exists with our stockholders.

Tuesday September 16, 2:34 pm ET
Company Deals With the Key Issues Concerning Its Stockholders
2. The sale of the Company's holdings in both "Bouse" and in "South Copperstone" are a "done deal." The Stock Dividend will be declared upon the Company's receipt of the stock received in respect of this sale; and as previously announced.
This is expected to complete this week.

Stock Dividend Valuation
Wednesday September 17, 11:04 am ET
Company Confirms the Final Valuation of Its Extraordinary Stock Dividend
The Company can confirm that this Dividend is valued at US$0.0239 for every 1 (one) share of this Company's Common Stock.
It is expected that the Company will be in a position to confirm both the "Record Date" and the "Pay Date" in respect of this Stock Dividend, within days now.

Company to Attempt Further Stock Repurchases
Wednesday October 1, 11:32 am ET
Company in Discussions With Lenders in an Attempt to Secure Funding to Repurchase Additional Shares of Its Common Stock
The Company's CEO will be issuing a full statement on Friday October 3, 2008 to clarify the situation and to deal with investor concerns. The Company's Management wishes to stress that the Extraordinary Dividend is being paid to its stockholders as promised and that the Company's situation remains unchanged.

Friday October 3, 1:48 pm ET
Company Confirms Ongoing Discussions to Effect a Reverse Merger
The Company stresses that should this proposed Reverse Merger be agreed upon, this will not affect the payments of the Stock Dividends.

Update on Reverse Merger
Monday October 6, 12:40 pm ET
Company Clarifies the Details of the Reverse Merger Under Consideration
The Company will state for the last time that the Extraordinary Dividend is unaffected by these discussions and that this Dividend will be paid regardless and as announced.
The Company will announce the "Record" and "Pay" dates in respect of this Stock Dividend as and when it is in a position to do so.

Extraordinary Dividend Payout
Thursday January 15, 11:26 am ET
Company Updates Its Stockholders on the Extraordinary Dividend Payout
The Company is pleased to announce that all terms, pricing per share and conditions of the Extraordinary Dividend remain unchanged and that we are now very positive that this process will be completed within the next six weeks;
the "Record Date" and the "Pay Date" of this Extraordinary Dividend will be announced this month.

Hurasu Dividend Payout
Friday January 16, 12:57 pm ET
Company Files a Form 8-K Clarifying the Distribution of Hurasu Resource Corporation Shares of Common Stock
This Form 8-K deals with the forthcoming Extraordinary Dividend as well as the payment of the remaining outstanding Stock Dividends.
The Extraordinary Dividend "Record Date" and "Pay Date" will be announced in a very short time frame.

Update on Hurasu Dividend Payout
Wednesday January 21, 11:57 am ET
Company Confirms the Imminent "Record Date" and "Pay Date" Declarations of the Extraordinary Dividend
This Form 8-K dealt with the forthcoming Extraordinary Dividend as well as the payment of the remaining outstanding Stock Dividends.
The Company is now in a position to confirm that the Extraordinary Dividend "Record Date" and "Pay Date" will be announced shortly; the Company is awaiting completion of the final statutory details from Hurasu Resource Corporation.

Friday January 30, 9:38 am ET
Company to Set Out Extraordinary Dividend Dates on Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fortress Financial Group, Inc. will be announcing its Extraordinary Stock Dividend dates on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 prior to the market open on that day.

Stock Dividend Payment
Wednesday February 4, 9:54 am ET
Company Sets Out the Process and Proposed Dates for the Payment of the Extraordinary Stock Dividend
-- "Record Date" for Extraordinary Stock Dividend to be in February of 2009
5. Fortress Financial Group, Inc. will obtain a "Record Date" and a "Pay Date" for this Stock Distribution and once these dates are approved by FINRA; announce these dates.
The Company does not intend to wait for the delivery of the Hurasu stock certificate; before setting its "Record Date" and its "Pay Date."
The Company anticipates a "Record Date" on or around Friday, February 27, 2009 with a "Pay Date" being two weeks thereafter.
8. Hurasu will be trading at a price of US$12.50 per share of Common Stock at the Company's "Record Date"; valuing this Extraordinary Dividend in the amount of US$807,012,988.
This is equal to a price of US$0.029 for every 1 (one) share of Fortress Financial Group, Inc. Common Stock.
At the "Pay Date," Fortress Financial Group, Inc. stockholders will receive an amount of 0.234 shares of Hurasu Resource Corporation Common Shares for every 100 (one hundred) shares held in Fortress Financial Group, Inc.

Clarification on Record Date
Wednesday February 4, 11:19 am ET
Company Clarifies "Record Date" on Its Payment of the Extraordinary Stock Dividend
Fortress Financial Group, Inc. wishes to clarify that it intends to immediately set its "Record Date" and once approved by FINRA, announce that date to its stockholders.
The "Record Date" will be announced early next week and very possibly sooner than that, and not at the end of February of 2009.

Update on Stock Dividend
Friday February 13, 9:44 am ET
Company Updates Stockholders on Extraordinary Dividend Payments
Hurasu Resource Corporation is completing its restructuring and has announced this morning confirmation of these actions.
Upon their completion of their Corporate Actions, we will be in a position to complete the Extraordinary Stock Dividend payment process.

Friday February 20, 9:33 am ET
Company Confirms Agreements to Acquire the "Bouse" and "South Copperstone" Gold Mining Properties
These shares of Hurasu Resource Corporation in the amount of 64,561,039 are to be distributed in full to Fortress Financial Group, Inc.'s stockholders as an Extraordinary Dividend at a date to be set by Fortress Financial Group, Inc.
Hurasu Resource Corporation and its Transfer Agent will work alongside Fortress Financial Group, Inc. and its Transfer Agent; to facilitate the accurate and orderly payment of Fortress Financial Group, Inc.'s Extraordinary Stock Dividend of Hurasu Resource Corporation's restricted shares of Common Stock to eligible Fortress Financial Group, Inc. stockholders.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc. - An Open Letter To ALL Government Officials

This update was published on the official CMKM Diamonds web site today, Sunday, Feb.8th, 2009, by the current CEO, Mark Faulk.
Can you verify that this information is true...??
- That there actually IS a Task Force working on this...??
- That the company IS actually working with the government on this investigation...??
- That CMKM shareholders are being added to the Victim Notification System (VNS)...??
- That CMKM shareholders have a snowball's chance in Hell of ever getting paid as a result of this massive fraud...??
Shareholders' Corner...
CMKM Diamonds, Inc. has recently taken a number of steps to encourage the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service to finally issue indictments and commence criminal proceedings against former CEO Urban Casavant and insider John Edwards and their cohorts, who blatantly stole $250 million from the Company and its shareholders.

Over the last two weeks, CMKM and its shareholders have contacted hundreds of public officials, including congressmen, federal regulators, criminal agencies, and people within President Obama’s administration. Although our letter was addressed to President Obama, our hope was that anyone in a position of authority would hear our plea for justice. One CMKX shareholder, a United States Air Force pilot who was just one of dozens of soldiers who were ruthlessly targeted in this massive fraud, worded it this way in his email to public officials: “The SEC, DOJ, FBI, etc. have dragged out this case for years and have no sense of urgency”.

While the Company cannot say for certain whether or not there was any “sense of urgency” in the past, we can confirm that the Company and its shareholders’ efforts have not fallen on deaf ears. Of particular significance was a single email directed to 20 people within the DOJ, FBI, IRS, SEC, and FINRA, containing the CMKM Plea for Justice, along with an introductory email, which said, in part:

I am aware of a joint Task Force consisting of the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS, assisted by the SEC, that has been investigating this massive fraud for the past few years. I know that our criminal agencies are overworked and underfunded, but this fraud is a travesty. These shareholders have been waiting for years to see criminal charges filed against those who blatantly stole hundreds of millions of dollars from them. Current management at CMKM Diamonds has in the past assisted the various agencies in their efforts, but I would like to extend that offer once again, We have hundreds of thousands of pages of bank account records, transfer agent records, and trading records, as well as other evidence that might be helpful to your efforts. Please contact me if I can be of assistance, and I would appreciate a reply so that I can at least be assured that this investigation has not been abandoned.


When that email was sent out, the Company received a phone call from a member of the Task Force less than two hours later, asking us to assist them in their investigation. We are doing everything within our power to help them expedite their investigation, and will continue to do so. It is my belief that they are continuing their efforts with a renewed sense of urgency.

While we provide assistance to the Task Force, we believe it is in the best interest of CMKM Diamonds and its shareholders to continue to encourage a swift conclusion to the investigation, while at the same time being careful not to impede their progress. This is why we have followed up our letter by posting a petition to the DOJ, FBI, and IRS Task Force investigating CMKM Diamonds. Inc (CMKX). We intend to send them a preliminary copy as soon as we reach a thousand signatures, but we hope to have many more in the near future. We encourage all shareholders and other advocates for justice in our financial system to sign the petition and help us distribute it to others who might join our fight.

The Company has also mailed a Letter of Request to the Task Force asking that all CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX) shareholders be added to a victims’ list under the Victim Notification System (VNS). All recognized victims on the list have certain rights as specified in the “Help for Victims of Crime” brochure published by the Department of Justice, including “The right to proceedings free from unreasonable delay”. We have included a list of all shareholders who we have been able to identify through the cert pull conducted in late 2005 and 2006. Although this list is incomplete, it will give the FBI (during the investigation phase) and the DOJ (once charges have been filed) a starting point in contacting victims in the CMKM Diamonds, Inc. fraud case.

As we move forward with our civil lawsuits and other company business, CMKM Diamonds, Inc. will also continue to work with all federal agencies to ensure that all those who conspired to steal an estimated $250 million are punished to the fullest extent of the law. I would like to thank our Advisory Committee, Board of Directors, Corporate Counsel, and our dedicated shareholders for their untiring efforts in this cause.

Mark Faulk, CEO
Editor's Note - I have emailed this information to 'my pals' at the SEC...
cmkmdiamonds@sec.gov, help@sec.gov, kotzd@sec.gov, coxc@sec.gov, chairmanoffice@sec.gov, tradingandmarkets@sec.gov, newyork@sec.gov, losangeles@sec.gov, enforcement@sec.gov, oiea@sec.gov, publicinfo@sec.gov, mccoyj@sec.gov, whitem@sec.gov, hakalal@sec.gov, tysonr@sec.gov, thomsenl@sec.gov, greener@sec.gov, howellc@sec.gov, starkj@sec.gov, mckreeryj@sec.gov, kaeppleink@sec.gov, oig@sec.gov, powersd@sec.gov, schonfeldm@sec.gov, bergersd@sec.gov, hawked@sec.gov, nelsond@sec.gov, addlemank@sec.gov, gillettem@sec.gov, hoerld@sec.gov, romeror@sec.gov, israelk@sec.gov, fagelm@sec.gov

Thursday, February 5, 2009

CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc. - Officers Petition Criminal Agencies - DOJ, FBI, and IRS Task Force

CMKM Diamonds Corporate Updates

February 4th, 2009
CMKM Petitions Criminal Agencies to File Charges in Major Stock Market Scandal

At CMKM Diamonds, we are fighting a war on multiple fronts. While we move forward with our own corporate lawsuits in an effort to return value to the Company, we are also urging our government to enact justice against those who have wronged our shareholders. In order to keep pressure on the DOJ, FBI, and IRS Task Force that has been investigating the fraud committed by those criminals who stole an estimated $250 million dollars from innocent CMKX investors, we have posted a petition seeking justice “in one of the largest and most blatant singular frauds ever perpetrated in our financial markets”. When enough signatures are accumulated to present a united front, we will present the petition to those who are in charge of the investigation and their superiors.

We have always believed that properly motivated, our shareholders are our greatest asset. This is a perfect opportunity to, in the words of Company Chairmen Kevin West, “unite this group of wonderful people, our shareholders, for a common cause.”

PLEASE go to http://www.petitiononline.com/CMKX/petition.html
to sign the petition. Let the government Task Force know that WE WILL NOT GO AWAY QUIETLY. Let your voices be heard. Post it on message boards, discuss it in chat rooms, and send it to everyone you know. You do not have to be a shareholder to sign the petition, just a citizen who believes that justice still counts for something in our country. Let CMKM Diamonds be the first step in cleaning up the rampant corruption that plagues our financial system. United we can change the world.

To: DOJ, FBI, and IRS Task Force investigating CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (CMKX):


CMKM Diamonds and its shareholders respectfully ask that our government seek justice in one of the largest and most blatant singular frauds ever perpetrated in our financial markets. The company's stock (trading as CMKX) was revoked over three years ago, but its shareholders still await the filing of criminal charges against the numerous individuals who defrauded over 50,000 shareholders of an estimated $250 million.

From 2003 until late 2005, criminals in control of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. sold over 703 billion shares of stock to unsuspecting shareholders, including blue collar workers, the elderly, disabled, and even soldiers fighting for our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mastermind John Edwards and CEO Urban Casavant were aided and abetted in their crimes by high-powered attorneys, accountants, transfer agents, major banking institutions, brokerage houses, and clearing firms.

On April 8, 2008, the SEC charged 11 individuals and 3 corporate entities with civil violations, but despite a mountain of evidence clearly showing massive criminal fraud, a multi-year investigation by the DOJ, FBI, and IRS has yet to produce a single criminal indictment. Many of the criminals have already fled the country, while others are involved in new scams with the intent of robbing other investors.

To view a Letter to the President and supporting evidence sent out by current CMKM Diamonds, Inc. management, go to: www.cmkmdiamondsinc.com/letter_index.html

We the undersigned ask that the DOJ, FBI, and IRS to act immediately to issue criminal indictments against all of those individuals who conspired to defraud 50,000 CMKX shareholders of over $250 million.