Recap of Hodges trip to Richmond Virginia
Re: AL's trip to Virginia letter
« Reply #3 Today at 3:11pm »
Al Hodges Virginia Trip, you won't believe this, make sure you read his notes.
As you all know by now, I left LA late on the 21st of September, and was in Richmond, VA until returning to LA Friday night [10/1]. It has been rumored that I would not return w/o accomplishing my goal of securing ER; I have personally advised most of you of the same. While we as yet don’t have ER officially, we have again made great strides in obtaining it, and in constraining some of the outrageous financial fraud rampant in this country since the mid eighties. My only reason for leaving Richmond before ER was actually in hand, is that I have to begin trial in Glendale in another matter tomorrow morning; I could not convince the judge to trail the case until my
return, although that is exactly what I expect now to happen after he sees my shining face in the morning.
When I left Friday: the last two global settlements funds were all in place and accounted for; the funds were all parked safely and continuing to be watched; the funds had been segregated, reconstituted and were available for distribution through the banking system by 9:00 AM as had been promised; and we had received, on Thursday afternoon, official agreement/sanction from all authorities, including the FED Board of Governors, for release and distribution of the last two settlement pay-outs. The schedule which had been agreed to was that we were to take "possession" of the funds on Friday although the actual transfer of cash to various trustees would occur on Monday and Tuesday this coming week. The current schedule remains that the actual cash funds will be transferred to the trustees Monday and Tuesday; this per information direct fromMssrs, Bonney and Boyer @ noon today.
I also understand that some info is floating around Nesara blogs and our boards about a "trustee" named Glascow.
Let me set the record straight about that: * Mr. Glascow is not a trustee of anything, to my knowledge and belief.
* His real name is Douglas Glascow; we have his SSN, home address and other contact information.
* DG is in fact an old consort of the Bush’s and currently serves
as Jr.’s bagman.
* As some of you may know, Barbara Bush is from the Pearce family in France.
* The final $1.3T sum to be added to the WGS funds for distribution by Bonney was "coordinated" by Paris people due to Sarcozy; that "re-constituted" portion of the funds was released to the system Friday @9:00 AM EDT as had been scheduled and promised.
* When those funds were released to the system, they included an additional sum of $200,000, added by the Pearce family for Jr. to disburse among his co-conspirators along with instructions that it was to be disbursed first.
* Apparently, DG was instructed in Dallas to go to the bank in D at exactly 2:30 PM CDT to obtain the funds; unfortunately it was by then 3:30 PM in Richmond which meant [because of the banking laws regarding international $$ transfers] that it was all but too late for us to go into the bank there and accomplish what needed to be done.
* We first discovered what was holding up our appearance in the bank [by invitation] about 12:30 PM; as it turned out only one person had any real communication line with DG [as a result of past activities].
* We were able to get a hold of this person through the company, finally around 1:30 PM. He was at that time "on the road" and alleged that he was unable to contact DG for the very simple reason that he had been told to go and do his personal errands Friday afternoon, and was two hours away from where the contact info was in his "office."
As you can see, this was a carefully set-up scenario to flip their collective finger at us. In fact it will have essentially no impact [other to engender great anger from a number of people] on receiving ER. [As an aside, DG is on the list to receive a "visit" from some attitude adjustment persons, which may have already happened as I write this.]
Bottom line: we accomplished a great deal by going to Richmond; I believe this will be over on the current schedule which means we should have ER by the end of Tuesday. It is unfortunate that I had to return before having the proof in my hands; however, we now have an established relationship with Mr. Bonney who enjoys my total respect and confidence. In other words, when he [the paymaster] tells me something I have very substantial grounds to accept it and believe it. If some unforeseen event raises its ugly head I will return and finish it.
I always take notes of what’s transpiring with this endeavor; what follows is a day by day summary of my activities in Richmond for those who may be interested:
September 22 – Meeting with Bill Bonney, Roger Boyer, Dana
Wilcox, Orren Merren [Cayman Island international attorney] and Lynwood Maddox [Atlanta attorney] to discuss all and establish plan of action and ground
rules. We were advised by the company of WH meeting with his economic advisers called by Obama, to instruct no payouts by anyone of the WGS funds because "it’s my money." All of us agreed to send a letter to Bernanke [see attached]. As a result of very wide distribution of the letter, the Joint Chiefs visited Obama late in the day to advise him that the "$$ will be released – stop this shi* – stay out of the way."
September 23 – Company advises that Bernanke has capitulated and will give the OK. It will all be released, supposedly on Friday 9/24 – can’t finish Thursday.
September 24 – Advised by Pentagon that Bernanke issued a written order at 12:05 AM to release all $$ as scheduled on the BASEL list to be finished after the close of business, but guaranteed before midnight. This was confirmed three times during the day by State, Pent. and Co. @ 9 AM, 2 PM and 4 PM; we also confirmed that the FED screens are black, which is what we should see if all is ready to go with a push of the button. Having received no call/invite I go into the bank to find out why as Bonney and others attempt to find out the reason from outside. I talk with the banking staff at length including the managing VP [who curiously doesn’t even know who Ben Bernanke is]; although the bank was clearly stonewalling, I remained there until closing time at which I was thrown out. I walked back across the street to the hotel and was greeted by the local Police; eventually there were a total of four cruisers there plus a canine unit. After 1.75 hours they finally withdrew. The company and Pentagon later confirmed that a trap had been set by Obama to confiscate the $$$. Bonney had the release codes with him and we could have gone into the bank and insisted on using them; if we had, Obama intended to confiscate all the $$ and accuse Bonney of taking funds w/o valid authorization in the form of new release codes specifically provided to him at the time of invitation into the bank. $$$ was
then transferred to a FED holding account for safekeeping until Monday @ 10:00 AM.
September 25/26 – I advised Bonney to obtain a copy of Bernanke’s written order so that if there was more BS on Monday we could go into the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank, and utilize his FRS ID # to conclude the transfers; that was put in motion. We were advised that a Supreme Ct. Justice visited the FED Saturday and instructed them to "pay it all in the AM Monday – finish it by noon time." Several people standing in the way were to be arrested over the w/e; it appears that Obama is using the non-existent NSA covert troops to prevent arrest of anyone. The Pentagon is supposed to deal with that problem. I had dinner at the Wilcox residence with Bonney and Boyer. We spent most of Sunday working on distribution plans and documents.
September 27 – D-Day? 12:30 – not so far. Massive war going on at the FED in DC; the Director may be replaced. 1:30 – They are calling all trustees; Bonney should get notice/invite in the next two hours. 5:30 – FED Director of Ops just resigned and left the building. Advised that Sec. of Agriculture and several others have told Obama they will resign before the end of the week "if Bonney is not paid." China is owed a large balloon payment by the US on 9/30 which can’t be made if this is not completed. 10:30 – Advised all is on for tomorrow – all authorities supposedly now want it done tomorrow.
September 28 – All is done and we just need invite into the bank. Not able to secure a copy of Bernanke’s order yet; they are still working on it. Company has advised Bonney there "may be blood tonight" although it does not involve him or those around him. Engineers visit Obama,Geithner and Brennan in the AM; 2nd Combat Brigade of the 82nd Airborne and several National Guard units [Alabama, Arkansas and Indiana +] put on 18 hour alert by JC’s last night. Balloon pay is for $850B loan = $1T to Chinese X2 due Thursday 9/30; US has no $$ to pay – therefore must finish this to fund with Leo Wanta $$. JC’s are really pissed; @ 6:00 PM we are advised that the 2nd Combat Brigade is fully loaded w/all equipment and supplies in C-130’s on the tarmac at Pope AFB ready to fly; these are the door-to-door urban warfare specialists.
September 29 – They are still working on getting a copy of Bernanke’s order. The "trustee" advised he was called in this morning as he must coordinate w/new treasury currency announcement which is to be made this evening. He confirmed that all $$ is there for us and Leo Wanta; funds are currently moving per Paul Sigue. At 11:00 I called Bernanke at his home and office and cell; similarly I called the FED Governors’ General Counsel; no one will take my calls or return them. However I did manage to leave detailed messages for both. To date, 27 FED employees and 83 commercial bankers have been arrested; 4 others have been disappeared. We are still waiting for invite to the bank. Just advised that Bill and Hilary Clinton, abetted by Bernanke and Obama with help from two Chinese nationals have been stalling these pay-outs for months while attempting to persuade the World Court to grant each of them full global immunity or at least immunity for the un-registered Treasury’s; they have also tried to steal these pay-out $$ each night that I’ve been in VA. Advised at 2:30 PM EDT that the World Court had finally made a decision – NO IMMUNITY FOR ANY OF HEM! Our Funds were supposed to be released @ 1:30 PM; $1.5T is in Wells Fargo ledger account and was released @ 3:00 PM. They are collecting the balance and reassembling. Ying and _______ are the two Chinese nationals who will be arrested and dealt with by the Chinese.
September 30 – D-Day for sure. Chinese arrested the two bad guys. 12:45 PM – Status Quo: $1.5T in WF ledger account and $1.3T spread in MM accts all over. Matt Schuler says he still cannot get a copy of the B order; however, he reports that 2 Senators [friends of Ed Falcone] got to Bernanke and the $$ will be released. Obama reportedly advised Bernanke that if the funds were released to us, Bernanke and his family would suffer a personal security problem. Company and Bonney offered lifetime protection to B as had been done with Panetta. All morningGeithner had gone to the Japanese, Arabs, Brazil and others trying to obtain the $1T – all said no. Meanwhile I had called FED Governor KevinWarsh to advise that the lifetime protection offer was to anyone on the FED BOG who would take the correct legal action. 2:00 PM – Advised that the official FED position had changed to full authorization to complete the pay-outs; the military is standing by and willing to assist if necessary. What is currently anticipated is ledger/folio transfers today – maybe no cash delivery until Monday/Tuesday. The additional $100B added to Bonney’s funds is for a requested payment of small amounts to several payees and a transfer of 32B pounds [$49+B] to save the Irish banking system which must be received by them Friday.
October 1 – We are supposed to be in the bank just after it opens. They have worked the funds all night; the $1.5T was finished at midnight and the $1.3T done in Paris was in place by 9:30 AM. Waiting for a call at 10, 11, 12 etc.; between 12:30 and 1 we learn of the Glascow $ which must be picked up in Dallas. He apparently picks it up @ 3:30 EDT [2:30 CDT]; meanwhile, the land-line phone system in the hotel area is not working. 4:00 PM – Too late to finish today. Rep. J. Gresham [TN - lame duck] and Ret’d Rep Ben Gilman [SC] with offices still in DC believe they can get their friends in Congress to start an investigation of the whole mess; they have asked for a letter with bullet points of what should be investigated. Ed Falcone has already prepared most of the evidence [including dates, times, acct numbers, etc.] which he has previously provided to 8 Senators and the Black Caucus [which is one reason they have been helping]; we are putting the two sides together to get the fire stared. I then caught a 7:00 PM flight from Richmond to LAX.
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