*****CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc***** Keeps On Ticking...

__ * $7 Secrets *__

Sunday, April 24, 2011

*****ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders***** ***********Digital Briefcase*********** **********Enough Is Enough**********


Digital Briefcase

« Thread Started Today at 4:35pm »

Listed below is the cmkx shareholder web site and the link is for the Digital Briefcase.


Here is the briefcase link. Click on it and then click on the yellow hot links to bring you right to the movies and especially the 366 page report, now available for you and All to access and download, print out and make your own book, etc. etc.

This is great research and cmkx information so please share it will other CMKX shareholders by posting this awesome information about CMKX. Post it all over the internet and paltalk rooms, message boards and where ever you think this CMKX information should be so that people will be able to see it with just a simple click of a button. Not sure why anyone would not want to support good information so that ALL can see the hard work of some shareholders, so that their efforts will get to ALL shareholders.

Send to a friend or family members so they can begin to try and understand this crazy CMKX story we are All involved in.

Stay tuned for the presentation to also come out today. you can click on enough is enough link on Web Site. It was done, but if you have problem with the presentation it is because Cameron is probably updating it for ALL to see.

Here is the Presentation to the OFR in Florida on April 22nd, 2011 from 10am -12pm link.
It is now up and running. You need to watch this. >>>>

CMKX Enough is Enough



Thursday, April 14, 2011

*****ATTENTION CMKX Shareholders***** *******Hodges & Associates Update******* ******From Dennis Smith 4/13/2011******

Hodges & Associates Update from Dennis Smith...

Millionaires Board

Unofficial Board

Let's clear some air
« Thread Started Yesterday(4/13) at 11:55pm »

Fellow Travelers,

As most of you probably know, Al and I were individual shareholders long before Hodges and Associates legally entered the fray. Accordingly, we are painfully aware that this continues to be an agonizing slog for all concerned. Please be aware that we want this totally resolved (now) as much as anyone and are unconditionally committed to effectuating total resolution.

Addressing the “We’ve won” post from Al, I think it reasonable, fair and safe to say we had significant input (and impact) in what turned out to be a giant “money war” that on one side included (but was not limited to) individuals and issues attendant to CMKM and on the other a macabre and malignant collection of powerful individuals and entities rotten to the core. Al, extremely well-positioned in all this, is firmly convinced that the large war is essentially “won”, and that we’re now simply (or not so simply) waiting for the spoils of war to trickle down to the troops. If the trickle down process seems agonizingly slow it’s because it has proven to be exactly that, i.e., a much slower final process than we were led to anticipate.

It has fallen to me to field the plethora of daily calls and emails re CMKM directed at the office, subsequently playing 20 questions with shareholders (some desperately) seeking clarification, more information, reassurance, certainty on when and how much, comments on who said (or didn’t day) what when or why and all the rest of it. I understand the frustration because as a shareholder I’m frustrated too. Please understand however I don’t always have the time or inclination to get back to everyone (particularly repeat callers) promptly; it’s always my intention and I typically take calls and/or get back to most shareholders without ado but it doesn’t always happen and I know there are some who have made overtures to the office that I have let fall through the cracks altogether. To you I sincerely apologize. I do not however apologize to those who I deliberately ignore (or tell to stick it) who approach the office with entitlement “demands” and/or with an “attitude”. Often I do not (and will not) respond to ingrates. Most callers, I hasten to add, are not “ingrates” with an “attitude”, but are in fact just the opposite, i.e., really good people who share this dream. Unfortunately a disturbing number of those “really good people” have heart-wrenching stories and are in varying degrees of financial difficulty. While it breaks our heart that so many shareholders are on the financial (and emotional) edge, please know there is nothing either we or you can do to speed up the process. I wish we had a magic wand to wave but we don’t control the wind, all we can do is adjust our sails. We WILL persevere and we WILL prevail, however we just can’t say with absolute certitude (at least at this moment) exactly when money will hit everyone’s pockets. It could be tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month or (the gods forbid) some longer time; Murphy’s Law and the Law of Unintended Consequence are unfortunate facts of life so we might adjust our immediate expectations accordingly.

Just for the record, and particularly to those who have lately (or not so lately) disparaged our efforts, you should know that Al Hodges has personally borne the lion’s share of the considerable expenditure(s) of time and money attendant to the litigation undertaken on behalf of all shareholders. Al is irrevocably committed to bringing this matter to a successful conclusion and continues to work tirelessly toward that end. Additionally, It might be instructive to know that he has not asked for nor has he taken one dime from shareholders, apart from an initial (and quite modest) retainer received from less than a handful of our lead plaintiffs.

All of which, you may ask, leaves us exactly where? Without going into specifics, here’s the take-away. In our considered opinion this saga will probably resolve with everyone “getting paid” erelong (how’s that for a word because it’s already past “soon”) but the operative words are “probably” and “erelong”. Expect and hope for the best but it’s prudent to remember that there are no absolute guarantees in this life, so while you are expecting and hoping for the best you might consider preparing for the worst on the off-chance that despite our “winning” the war the disparate “Big Boys” that remain standing could conceivably continue to drag out turning over the spoils.

Hope all this helps clear the general air, even a little. Keep the faith and good luck to all of us. I reiterate, we WILL persevere and we WILL prevail.

Dennis Smith
Hodges and Associates

Editor's Note - Stated with such eloquence...
The pages of the thesaurus must still be smoking.
I can only dream of such fluency and aptness.
But sometimes bluntness is best...

What an unadulterated boatload of meaningless & useless platitudes and excuses for the ongoing failure to secure justice and 'imminent' payment for the shareholders...!!

FYI... 'imminent' -adjective
1. likely to occur at any moment

How many 'moments' are there in 15 MONTHS...??

~ California State Bar Association ~
~ http://www.calbar.ca.gov/ ~
