Since we seem to be doomed to waiting & watching the calendar, I think some new calendar formats can provide an interesting diversion during our ordeal.

Another week is ending...
Another month draws to a close...
Another Holiday rolls around...
Another Summer season passes us by.
And here we sit...
Teased by the same promises as the long cold Winter past...
Disappointed by the hopeful rejuvenation of a Spring long gone.
See you in September... October, November & December.
Harmless words which now make me cringe...
Within Two Weeks... By The End Of The Month...
It's Over... It's Done... I'm Out Of Here...!!
Editor's Note - This May Be A Useful Tool...
CMKX - Perpetual Calendar Generator
How can the gurus & sources who are supposed to know so much, but tell us so little, still be so wrong, time after time, month after month, year after year?
A. They are being lied to.
B. They are lying to us.
C. They don't know squat.
D. All of the above.
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