- Some anonymous smart person.

Clint Eastwood Marathon on AMC...
'Fistful Of Dollars'
Baxter woman, putting a curse on her enemies, just before she is killed...
"I hope you all die spitting up blood...!!"

My sentiments exactly, for ANYONE responsible for causing CMKX shareholders to ENDURE the TORTURE of this 6 YEAR ORDEAL...!!

Is this acca's replacement for 2009...??
By: rodgranite
04 Jan 2009, 10:59 PM EST
Msg. 794163 of 794177
Settlement Coming Soon!!!!
My sources indicate that the checks could be released as soon as next Fri. I have learned that the last of the issues are being ironed out and all will be finished soon. The final number is rumored to be about $2.21 per share. This is not written in stone but I have confidence in my sources. Then, the economy will begin to improve as the CMKX distribution is finalized. I hope that all of you will spend some cash and help everyone get back on track. Don't be stingy!!!!!
By: rodgranite
06 Jan 2009, 03:49 PM EST
Msg. 794765 of 794765
The time is fast approaching!!!!!
We will soon have the answers we seek, in the form of big checks!!!!! It has not been easy on the world economy to fund this settlement but the worst is behind us. All of you that doubted the Microsoft connection, the White House connection and the involvement of the Vatican will soon be amazed and humbled.
*** "Amazed & Humbled"...??
I would probably have a CORONARY, right before my brain EXPLODES...!!***
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