*****CMKX - CMKM Diamonds Inc***** Keeps On Ticking...

__ * $7 Secrets *__

Saturday, August 23, 2008

CMKX - acca & Des... Heard It Through The Grape Vine... 8/21/2008

acca & Des In The Grape Vine MP3

Written Recap on Proboards86

Written Recap on Proboards102

Some 'Highlights'...

Gosh: Are we still on for the end of August in your opinion?
Acca: Yes, it will still be in August.

Ines: Has every one paid?
Acca: To the best of my knowledge everybody has paid up.

Ines: Which has to come first? Announcement from SEC or company side?
Acca: Obviously damages has to be paid first. He sold some claims to some individuals that is where the money is coming from and that was put into a trust. That is the second payment.

Question: Why the secret still? Companies around Saskatchewan are putting out PRs on a daily basis. Why can they tell us when we are getting paid and how much? The sting is over ... so why the secrecy........
Acca: In the very near future there will not be secrecy. It will all come out. You will understand.

Question: Is this it? Are we done? Is your task over? Are we finally going to be paid?
Acca: Yes...... there is closure...

Question: You said that it was going to be ugly before closure... Describe closure.
Acca: Closure for shareholders is money in hand... for me is I don't have to come in anymore.

Question: You said we have closure. We still don't have closure.
Acca: Everything is done except for the release of the funds.

Question: ... asked about payment...
Acca: I think I said .17 and .37

Question: Are you still thinking we would have money... our closure... in hand by Labor Day?
Acca: Yes, I still believe that.

Question: Did Acca know that Urban was going to be on Ice Road Truckers?
Des: He did not...... I knew before he did

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there really anyone left that believes any of the gurus and their sources?
None of them has ever been right about anything substantial, certainly not about receiving payment.
This week, this month, is coming to an end. Labor Day will be done and we will not have anything.
I wonder how long it will be before we hear the end of September prediction?